Annual Benchmarking Survey

HARDI is excited to share the Distributor Performance Dashboard will be rebranded to the Annual Benchmarking Survey (ABS). While the report and input process itself will not change, the rebrand aims to better represent what the report is; a comprehensive listing of over 50 of the most essential metrics of overall distributor performance. ABS allows participants to view their historical-performance data relative to typical and top performance in categories that allow them to benchmark their business against vital financial, inventory, customer, and sales metrics.

Operational improvement is a constant objective at all quality distributors. In this industry where operational inefficiencies mean a lot, ABS helps distributors discover performance gaps, identify opportunities within their organization, optimize workflows, and drive data-driven growth to achieve goals.

After completing the survey, participating members will have access to a confidential report comparing their operating performance to the median results and high-performing members across an extensive array of performance metrics.


Easy to use

  • Multiple users from your organization

  • Streamlined portal for clean user experience

  • Easy to print or export to excel

Valuable insight

  • View the evolution of your unique operating performance with your historical data

  • See the potential impact on your bottom line of an operating performance improvement

  • Historic survey performance of a metric and your performance

Comparable sets

  • Your performance within your buying group

  • Your performance versus similar sales concentration

  • Your performance versus similar size companies

What's included in the report?

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 11.05.11 AM

What’s Your CoScore?

CoScore is a performance evaluation developed by CoMetrics over 20 years of benchmarking analysis

Your CoScore is based on a weighted average of key operating statistics chosen by your Analytics & Business Intelligence Committee. 

The CoScore requires at least 2 years of data to capture the trend of results. 

Members are able to enter multiple surveys for multiple years if they desire.


445 Hutchinson Ave. Suite 550

Columbus, OH 43235

Phone: 614.345.4328

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